Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Book Review on Wings of Fire - 866 Words

SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND COMPUTER APPLICATION A BOOK REVIEW ON â€Å"WINGS OF FIRE† SUBMITED TO SUVARNA GUHA SUBMITED BY SARANG RAUT(39) MMM - A ABOUT AUTHOR: As per the preface, Arun Tiwari had worked with Dr. Kalam for over a decade and was involved in the project on Akash missile airframe. Arun Tiwari was so fascinated by Dr. Kalam’s range of ideas and thought process that he decided to pen down Dr. Kalam’s recollections before they get buried irretrievably under the sands of time. ABOUT THE BOOK: â€Å"Wings of Fire† is the life story of Dr. Avul†¦show more content†¦Then do the own mind Missile Man Creation: Section Creation traverses seven chapters, from chapters four to chapter ten; and covers Kalams life and work for 17 years, from the year 1963 until 1980. His association with Thumba and Satellite Launch Vehicle and related projects are vividly presented in the section Creation. The period covered in the section Creation also brought Kalam national recognition. A pleasant surprise came in the form of conferment of Padma Bhushan on the Republic Day,1981. Propitiation: Section Propitiation covers the period 1981 to 1991, and contains his contribution in the missile development programme. Contemplation: Section Contemplation recounts the life story of Kalam from 1991 until around 1999 and his contribution in the advisory commity of defence ministry and in the nuclear programme. AUTHOR’S STYLE AND DICTION: Author has written the real experiencrs of our former President very beautifully as it is a autobiography of A P J Abdul Kalam. Arun Tiwari has taken care of the important thing that while reading the book one should not feel that it has been written by the third man. It looks like that it is written by the Abdul Kalam itself. Author has given the touch of Kalam very effectively to the book. WHY SHOULD YOUShow MoreRelatedLeonardo Da Vinci Essay1547 Words   |  7 Pagessurpassed his skills. 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