Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ethnographic essay about smokers Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethnographic about smokers - Essay Example Smoking turns out to be progressively worthy in other culture and this could clarify why there are more smokers in certain gathering of individuals contrasted with others. To delineate, I will look at my two companions John and Jose. John is a Caucasian whose roots hailed from Louisiana and we can say that John is all-American by social foundation and direction. Jose then again is a settler from Mexico and prides himself as Mexican. John and Jose are of a similar age section of 17 years of age. John abhors smoking while Jose is a chain smoker. When inquired as to why John loathes smoking, he answered that it is hazardous to his wellbeing and that it â€Å"stinks†. He additionally portrayed that his folks won't likewise endure him on the off chance that he smokes and that there will be desperate results in the event that he will smoke, for example, removing his remittance. This is a worry shared by the American overall population as they are presently turning out to be more wel lbeing cognizant with guardians who by and large abhorrence smoking. Jose then again is progressively loose on his disposition about smoking. He said he realizes that smoking is risky to one’s wellbeing however he contemplated that everyone kicks the bucket at any rate. He clarified further that smoking is progressively worthy among Mexicans since it makes them look more â€Å"macho† or masculine. It is imperative to worry here that masculinity or being â€Å"macho† is more significant among Mexicans than Americans. As indicated by Jose, smoking is a piece of that social thing to resemble a â€Å"real man†. He said that among Mexicans, guardians are not that severe about their kids who will smoke. This perception is approved with a large portion of Jose’s male companions smoke at an early age. Another ethnographic profile of smokers is those individuals who are needing â€Å"stimulants† to make a specific showing. They are the kind of individuals whose occupation a ton of reasoning and creative mind that they should be in a â€Å"mood† to do it. In this manner, an energizer or a loosening up apparatus, for example, cigarette is regular for

Saturday, August 22, 2020

HP Introduction

HP Introduction Hewlett Packard prevalently called HP is an organization that gives innovation answers for purchasers, organizations and all types of establishments around the world. The organization later extends its tasks to IT framework, individualized computing and access gadgets, worldwide administrations and imaging and printing administrations. The organization is known all through the world by working in excess of 170 nations around the globe. The strategic the organization is to encourage how innovation and administrations can help people and establishments in tending to their issues and difficulties in order to understand their fantasies. The organization applies new reasoning and thoughts come out with fundamental and important encounters with the innovation with her IT enterprise headquarter in Palo, Alto, California, USA. The organization has been keeping up a lead among her peers because of the successful key arranging of the organization and this has been enviously guided by the organ ization in for all intents and purposes the entirety of her organizations. Foundation of HP Company The initiators of HP Company are Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard who were schoolmates at Stanford Universities. They set up the organization in 1993, seventeen years back. The main result of the organization is called sound oscillators, an electronic testing instrument utilized by sound architects. The item is created in Palo Alto carport. Walt Disney studios were the primary HP clients that purchased some of the sound oscillators for testing another sound framework. The organization has increased enough notoriety in such a significant number of nations of the world to have become the No 1 framework bolster administrations income in 2003 among numerous world top help administrations suppliers. HP as an organization consistently meet people's high expectations with regards to IT-related issues, this is showed from numerous points of view, the organization offers one of the tech universes most complete arrangement of equipment, programming, and administrations. The items run from PCs, servers, and modern stockpiling gadgets, assortment of printers and arrangement of systems administration types of gear. Asides this, the administration unit of HP despite everything offers arrangement of IT and business redistributing, programming application advancement, IT counseling, and other IT-related administrations. The organization has produces arrangement of programming, for example, transporter grade interchanges applications, data the board business knowledge and endeavor IT the board among others. The inclusion of her business are shrouded in shoppers, business, government offices and instructive association and such has been spread to in excess of 170 nations of the world. HP as an organization accepts such a great amount in moving in the direction of accomplishing her set destinations and that has been the corporate qualities shared by all the worker inside the association. This is affirmed by the citation of Dave Packard, fellow benefactor of HP as follow: It is important that individuals cooperate as one toward normal goals and abstain from working experiencing some miscommunication at all levels if a definitive in proficiency and accomplishment is to be gotten. Dave Packard The organization has consistently been cautious in following the pathways to accomplishing its set destinations dependent on the hierarchical values.Table 1 beneath sums up the HPs corporate shared qualities and corporate goals. Table 1: HPs Corporate qualities and goals HPs Corporate Shared Values HPs Corporate Objectives Enthusiasm for clients Client loyality Trust and regard for people Benefit Accomplishment and commitment Development Results through collaboration Market initiative Speed and readiness Responsibility to representatives Significant advancement Administration capacity Inflexible trustworthiness Worldwide citizenship Data Technology in HP HP organization has been keeping up a lead in Information Technology (IT) which is prove as contained in the accompanying conversations. To begin with, it is uncovered from the investigator firms report that HP recorded a huge increment in the foundation bolster administrations income from $7.889 billion to $8.028 billion somewhere in the range of 2002 and 2003. This records for over 6% of the world foundation bolster administration advertise. This denotes the second year of the organization (HP) driving the IT business in help administration income. Among the distinguished 450 IT specialist organizations which is at last ordered in to the accompanying four classifications: Significant assistance (Hardware upkeep and backing, programming support) Stage (Computing and availability) Industry Major geological locale and nation HP keeps up the lead in all the classifications. HP is distinguished as one of the biggest IT organizations that work in almost every nation. HP has some expertise in creating and assembling figuring, information stockpiling, systems administration and its equipment foundation, programming structure and rendering bolster administrations. The effect of Information Technology (IT) on the accomplishment of HP isn't constrained to the mechanical angles yet additionally the delicate abilities and aptitude which are remarkable to HP programming team. Malan, Coleman Letsinger (1995) in their investigation led to investigate the present condition of item situated practice. The discoveries of the examination uncovered that the best practice is gotten from exercise gained from HP. This implies HP is keeping up a lead in such manner. Item arranged programming approach is the most contending approach and any association with required mastery here will make its routes in the serious condition. This piece of what reinforces the IT capability of HP organization . Subsequently, the achievement of HP can't be an astonishment since IT is presently considered as the center of each business. HP as an IT-based organization has consistently been prepared to help genuine disapproved of associations in taking care of their IT-relate issues and such has been an or more to the organization. A decent situation in such manner is the means by which HP went to the guide of St. Diminishes Anglican Primary School with 560 understudies in both the K-6 and pre-kindergarten classes. The initiative of the school so much accept that the making a PC helped learning condition for the youngsters will fill in as a decent inspiration for them to learn, in their journey to accomplish this, the school can just manage the cost of work area PCs because of spending imperatives. The work area PCs were seen as delayed in arrange activity and some were even too old to even think about working which influences the acknowledgment of the schools objectives. A prologue to HPs channel accomplice Somerville, and HPs Consolidated Client Infrastructure (CCI), made St Peters to start a total redesign of its IT framework that would carry another adaptability and productivity to its whole figuring stage. In doing this, HP assumes a critical job in tending to this issue. HP executed a Consolidated Client Infrastructure dependent on a progression of cutting edge PCs for St Peters. This framework implied that when an edge PC went down, another would get the dynamic meeting, promptly limiting interruptions to clients. In a Consolidated Client Infrastructure, work area PCs are supplanted by slight customer terminals, which are then for all intents and purposes associated with HP cutting edge PCs put away on a sharp edge rack walled in area in a remote and concentrated area. Every edge PC has its own CPU, RAM and hard plate. A HP sharp edge walled in area can contain up to 20 cutting edge PCs in a 3U rack fenced in area, permitting up to 280 edge PCs for every 42U rack. Sharp edge PCs are then gotten to through the Microsoft RDP, Citrix ICA or HP RGS conventions and showed on slim customer gadgets. Just screen refreshes, console strokes, mouse activities, sound and fringe information travel over the system, all the preparing occurs on the edge PCs. Client s are associated with cutting edge PCs either statically or through a specialist, for example, HPs Session Allocation Manager, in this manner permitting the making of a simultaneous pool of assets and bringing down the measure of IT organization required. This among others repositioned HP inside associations as far as IT support. Data System in HP The organization doesn't restrict herself to just the IT perspectives yet in addition doing great in data framework. A decent declaration to this is the HP being reported as the as the help organization for the Defense Information System Agency (DISA) with the organization tapping from the HPs programming for upgrading the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to convey a solid sort of interoperability fit for overhauling all US guard offices. SOA is a strategy of conveying IT benefits in a made sure about and reasonable way by utilizing adaptable, reusable and standard innovation that can without much of a stretch be acclimated to deal with any impromptu changes that happen in the field-tested strategy. The HP systinet SOA (HP business innovation) is generally excellent in such manner as it help business association in building a sort of data framework (record) to deal with the administrations rendered all through the pattern of that administration. This is to clarify how far HP as an organization has gone as far as data frameworks to have given DISA which is exclusively utilized for arranging, building, gaining, handling and supporting IT arrangements fit for serving the U.S president, Vice President, Secretary of Defense and all divisions of US guard. This has procure HP arrangement of grants from 2005 to date. HP offers SOA administrations to help clients anytime along the SOA lifecycle, including the plan, manufacture, reconciliation, the executives and advancement of their SOA condition. HP Services likewise teams up with innovation accomplices, for example, BEA Systems, JBoss, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP to offer clients decision and adaptability. Upper hand Presentation about Competitive Advantage Above all else, it is imperative to quickly characterize what is upper hand? Upper hand is an element displayed to the detriment of the organizations adversaries or contenders. It is where a firm supports benefits that is more than the mechanical set normal benefit. Fundamentally, it is the fantasy of each business association to accomplish feasible upper hand. As per Michael Porter, cost preferred position and separation advantage are distinguished as the two fundamental ty

Friday, August 21, 2020

Idolization of Elvis Presley After Death Free Essays

Elvis Presley was the primary awesome star. He was conceived January 8, 1935, in East Tupelo, MS. Presley was the child of Gladys and Vernon Presley, a sewing machine administrator and a truck driver. We will compose a custom exposition test on Love of Elvis Presley After Death or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now He and his folks moved to Memphis, TN in 1948 and Elvis moved on from Humes High School in 1953. Elvis Presley is one of the world’s most popular artists and symbol of music and mainstream society. His ability, great looks, exotic nature, magnetism, and pleasantness charmed him to millions, as did the quietude and human consideration he exhibited for a mind-blowing duration. Elvis was an extremely kind man. He did all that he could for individuals around him. In 1975, he bought a poor dark East Memphis lady an electric wheel seat and got her and by and by sat her in it. The woman’s high school little girl disclosed to Elvis she enjoyed his vehicle. He offered it to her and even gave her sweetheart a vocation. Studies show that Presley was tormented at school. Cohorts tossed things at him, spoiled foods grown from the ground, since he was extraordinary, for example, calm and he stammered and he was a mama’s kid. The entirety of this gave him that he needed to change his disposition and become somebody that he was definitely not. Presley was more mainstream than any other time in recent memory and one of the greatest character religions in present day history was grabbing hold. At the point when Presley was off stage he endured self uncertainty, poor administration, and a fundamental disappointment with his life. With these contemplations he went to medications to take care of the entirety of his issues. Elvis’ melodic impacts were the popular and blue grass music of the time, the gospel music he heard in chapel and at the throughout the night gospel sings he oftentimes joined in, and the dark RB he retained on memorable Beale Street as a Memphis young person. He set up music from the two sides of the shading line. Elvis played out this music with a hip turning sexuality that made him an adolescent symbol and a good example for ages of cool agitators. He was constantly excused indecent, uncouth and awful impact. High school young ladies got crazy over his sexual developments; especially the one that got him nicknamed â€Å"Elvis the Pelvis†. TV cameras were not allowed to film underneath his abdomen. Presley had a flexible voice and had surprisingly wide accomplishment with different sorts, including gospel, blues, anthems, and pop. Right up 'til today, he is the main entertainer to have been enlisted into four music corridors of notoriety. Individuals today despite everything imagine that Elvis was the best individual on the planet and he was most certainly not. Obviously he made great music and had achieved things that individuals still haven’t had the option to do right up 'til today yet he additionally did a ton of terrible things too. He was a doctor prescribed medication abuser and even drove numerous ladies on to imagine that he truly enjoyed them rather than simply coming clean with them all. Elvis Presley kicked the bucket on August 16, 1977 in the washroom at Graceland. Studies show that he kicked the bucket of cardiovascular arrhythmia, which implies that the heart was pulsating sporadically and for this situation, at long last halted. While that is so obvious he additionally overdosed on a wide range of professionally prescribed medications. These medications included codeine, valium, morphine, and Demerol. These were the medications that were said to be Presley’s depressants. Since Elvis has been for a long time, he despite everything has numerous individuals talking and considering him to be he is as yet alive. Individuals despite everything acclaim him after his passing. That is so against the Christian religion. The Christian book of scriptures says that you shouldn’t love some other individual yet the Almighty above. You will be rebuffed for worshiping some other individual other than God. OK I can comprehend going out up for open show yet having old pork slashes and night wear all on the floor is uncaused for. Individuals simply take it over the edge and afterward for him to have been dead for such a long time, for what reason do individuals continue saying that he is as yet alive. It just doesn’t bode well for them to state that and they realize that he is covered behind his Graceland home in Memphis. Since Elvis’ passing, his Memphis home Graceland has become a place of worship for many adherents around the world. Graceland was bought by Presley in March 1957, it was a previous church and he changed over it into a twenty three room chateau. Graceland guests originate from varying backgrounds, all ages, every single melodic taste, all salary levels, every single instructive foundation, and all pieces of the world. Over portion of Graceland’s guests are younger than 35. I am 19 years of age and would ride spend Presley’s house ordinary and would mind less what’s in his home. You can perceive what it looks like from the lanes. Individuals even assembled two times every year to commend his birthday and grieve on his demise date. I feel that that is the craziest thing ever. These are individuals that think nothing about this man and have just tuned in to his music and do stuff this way. I mean Elvis Presley Blvd will be supported up for a significant distance since individuals are out loving this man and he is no one. Indeed he may have given Memphis a decent name however he didn't do anything for the city itself. We had B. B King and numerous others and you scarcely hear anything about them. At the point when you know about Memphis it’s about Elvis Presley and he didn't do anything. Presley’s home Graceland is the second most well known private vacation spot in the United States after the White House, and is assessed to acquire $150 million to the city itself every year. I just can’t accept that since Memphis has lanes that should be fixed, need new schools, and then some. Memphis is certifiably not an ideal city at all and on the off chance that we’re getting that much from Graceland, at that point we ought to be near great. Presley’s family or little girl is understanding that cash and it makes me upset to see them state that Memphis is getting a percent of that cash and we not seeing a dime of it. All in all, Elvis has carried a ton to Memphis and has given us a decent name. Elvis was probably the best craftsman alive however he is proceeded to individuals should regard him in that capacity. He lived as a decent man or so they state however he gone at this point. It is fine to go out up for attractions however accomplish something with the cash to help the networks around Memphis and to better it. Adoration isn't right and ought not be drilled. It doesn’t matter what it's identity is. No one adds up to God and no one ought to be thought about or treated as God seems to be. Instructions to refer to Idolization of Elvis Presley After Death, Essay models

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Stress Management for Dummies by Allen Elkin Book Review - 1925 Words

Stress Management for Dummies by Allen Elkin Book Review (Book Review Sample) Content: Students NameStudent IDProfessors NameDate of SubmissionStress Management for Dummies by Allen Elkin Book ReviewStress Management for Dummies written by Allen Elkin is one of the most informative books that are important in the management of stress in individuals. Stress is a state of mind that mind that is affecting many people in daily lives. However, it is sometimes difficult or almost impossible to live without having to experience stress at a point in life. These stressful incidences force people to learn the incorrect ways of coping with stress. The book offers time-tested guidance and a trusted approach to training the mind and body to cope with stress while maintaining sanity. Stress Management for Dummies covers stress triggers that may occur in love, family, and work among other areas as well as a way to reduce the stress (Elkin 10).The author has highlighted several ways that stress can be used positively and serve as a motivating factor rather than letting it affect individuals life in a negative manner. Additionally, the book has offered unique insight on how individuals retrain their minds and bodies to help them in reacting to stressful situations in a positive way. Stress Management for Dummies also helps in overcoming some of the stresses that are usually faced in the modern life. The book has been divided into different sections systematically to address the concept of stress management (Elkin 13).The first part of the book has explained the meaning of the stress management. Stress management is a term that is used to refer to the techniques that are employed to help people that are affected negatively by stress. Stress management thereby helps individuals affected by stress to start improving their daily lives. Stress is a term that is used to describe a stress with negative consequences. Stress is an unanticipated response to thought-provoking or dangerous situations. Stress can be of benefit if it is in small amounts since it tends to increase motivation as well as energy (Elkin 15). However, when stress is greater than a persons ability to cope with it then it tends to affect the quality of life, and it can result in problems with physical and mental health. Every individual experience some level of stress in the lifes but people tend to be affected by stress in different ways. It is vital for everyone to be aware of how stress affects someone since it can be a great way of being able to manage the stressful situations (Davidson 20).Mastering the basics is the stress management is the second part of the book that has clearly explained some of the important principles that individuals are expected to learn when dealing with stress. The author has explained some of the symptoms of stress that may be present as well as issues that may cause stress in any environment. The stressful situations may arise at the place of work and in the family (Elkin 100). Stress can produce various negative things to an in dividual including physical health decline as well as depression. Stress management helps individuals to manage anxiety so as to maintain a happy and successful life. Even though life provided various demands for life stress, management helps in reducing anxiety and therefore assisting the individual to maintain a healthy well-being. Stress can be associated with headaches, back pain, sleeping problems and stomach upsets. Stress tends to weaken the immune system and therefore weakens the body such that it is unable to fight diseases. Stress tends to worsen a persons health in case he/she has a health problem (Dorothy 28).Secrets of stress-effective thinking are discussed in the third section of the book. It is vital for an individual to get stress under control by first finding out the causes of stress in ones life. It is important to ensure that one reduces the amount of stress so that it does not go to extreme levels causing excess suffering. An individual need to learn the healt hy ways of dealing with stress so as to diminish its harmful effects. At this point, thinking in a positive way is a preventive approach that is used to address stress in individuals. The book has also stressed on a various technique that has proven to be effective in reduction of stress in individuals. Stress can be reduced or eliminate by the change in the way people think. Attracting positive thoughts during stressful occasions is one of the major approaches that can be applied in dealing with stress. Stress is mind-controlled, and it is through retraining our minds that can make addressing the issue an easy task (Geter 20).There are various symptoms of stress including severe headaches, depression, sleeping problems, stomach pain as well as depression. Stress is unavoidable to many people, but some of them overcome stress by engaging in activities that help in distracting them from the stress. There are various ways of overcoming stress. Some of the techniques are short-term whi le other are long term.The short-term techniques include smoking, drinking alcohol, sleeping too much, taking stress on other people, using pills and other ways that are used in reducing the stress level. The techniques are unhealthy ways that are employed by people to help them temporarily in reducing stress levels. The negative consequences of using these short-term techniques are that they cause more damage in the long term and therefore they are discouraged from being used by the general population. If the method the individual uses does not contribute positively to the emotional and physical health of a person them the technique needs to be discarded and a better technique should be sought after to ensure that the individual benefits from such a methodology (Geter 24).Some people think that there is nothing they can do about their stress level, but certainly, there are some ideas that can be done to relieve the pressure and be in a position to regain control. It is vital for a n individual to identify the sources of stress in ones life. They could emerge from the loss of a loved one. For an individual to identify the sources of stress, there is a need to closely identify the habits, attitudes, and excuses so as to know what brings him or her the stress. The individual needs to find healthier ways of coping with stress. Stress is a condition where one is unable to think clearly and especially after undergoing an unexpected situation. Stress alters one's thinking to make the person unable to go on with their daily activities (Greenberg 14).The book has also discussed managing stress in real life which gives some of the day-to-day habits that ought to be developed, both at work and at home, to help in living a life that is less stressful. Stress can be managed by the individual engaging in exercises that involve physical activities that help in elevating ones heart rate can be very effective in reducing the level of anxiety and can work in relieving stress. The person does not need to be an athlete or spend long hours in the gym. The individual just needs to spend a minimum of thirty minutes in a physical exercise and the stress will go away. These exercises effectively address the issue of stress through making sure that the mind is engaged in other activities rather than just thinking about the issue that has triggered stress. Exercising will also ensure that the circulation of the blood in the brain has increased its activity thus triggering different solutions to a particularly stressful situation (Roberts 22).Managing time wisely and creating a schedule helps in reducing stress and pressure. The individual needs, to be honest, and think of things that work and those that do not work in regards to reducing stress. The individual having stress needs to have plenty of rest and avoid smoking and taking too much alcohol. The individual needs to let go of the worries by writing them down and saying no to such thoughts (Geter 28).Tryi ng of new ways of thinking is vital for stress management. Stress can also be overcome by speaking up to other people. Finding people whom to trust is critical as it helps ones in sharing the stress with others and they can be a source of encouragement and comfort. Asking for help from Family and friends can help in managing stress. Sometimes it is very difficult to handle stressing situations but with family and friends can help. It is also critical to see a counselor that will help in managing the stress. It is vital to express ones feelings out by laughing, crying, talking and expressing the anger to people that are trusted. The individual can also engage in a hobby that can help in relaxing the mind. The individual can also try to relax the body by listening to relaxing music. Laughter can be a great way of healing and relieve stress. Stress management is very important as it helps in resetting ones alarm. Without stress management, the body is on high alert, and therefore ther e is a high probability that the health, relationships and the quality of life will be affected in a negative way (Smith 13).The last part of the book is of great significance in addressing the concept of stress management. The book ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Book Review on Wings of Fire - 866 Words

SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND COMPUTER APPLICATION A BOOK REVIEW ON â€Å"WINGS OF FIRE† SUBMITED TO SUVARNA GUHA SUBMITED BY SARANG RAUT(39) MMM - A ABOUT AUTHOR: As per the preface, Arun Tiwari had worked with Dr. Kalam for over a decade and was involved in the project on Akash missile airframe. Arun Tiwari was so fascinated by Dr. Kalam’s range of ideas and thought process that he decided to pen down Dr. Kalam’s recollections before they get buried irretrievably under the sands of time. ABOUT THE BOOK: â€Å"Wings of Fire† is the life story of Dr. Avul†¦show more content†¦Then do the own mind Missile Man Creation: Section Creation traverses seven chapters, from chapters four to chapter ten; and covers Kalams life and work for 17 years, from the year 1963 until 1980. His association with Thumba and Satellite Launch Vehicle and related projects are vividly presented in the section Creation. The period covered in the section Creation also brought Kalam national recognition. A pleasant surprise came in the form of conferment of Padma Bhushan on the Republic Day,1981. Propitiation: Section Propitiation covers the period 1981 to 1991, and contains his contribution in the missile development programme. Contemplation: Section Contemplation recounts the life story of Kalam from 1991 until around 1999 and his contribution in the advisory commity of defence ministry and in the nuclear programme. AUTHOR’S STYLE AND DICTION: Author has written the real experiencrs of our former President very beautifully as it is a autobiography of A P J Abdul Kalam. Arun Tiwari has taken care of the important thing that while reading the book one should not feel that it has been written by the third man. It looks like that it is written by the Abdul Kalam itself. Author has given the touch of Kalam very effectively to the book. WHY SHOULD YOUShow MoreRelatedLeonardo Da Vinci Essay1547 Words   |  7 Pagessurpassed his skills. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Game That Makes Men free essay sample

In my four years at Northwest I participated in an array of activities, but one main one will resonate in my mind for all eternity. Football will never leave my mind. Few activities I come in contact with across in my life will require as much commitment as football. All the tough work not realized in the younger days comes to mind, not what starts in the fall like the games, but work people rarely see, for instance what we do in the spring. During the spring, when the work put into the winter sports fades from memory the halls, and weight room become booming with activity. Through out the spring, the football team: lifts, runs, and does plyometric work. Plyometric work, the worst of them all, I remember Chris Nealy in particular, he would stop in front of the box, evaluate, inspect the box, then go on to the next one, silent as a mouse trying to sneak by coach. We will write a custom essay sample on The Game That Makes Men or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The spring workouts may require the most commitment before the games begin. Anyone can skip the workouts with ease, only one coach watches over the group, or the phrase that resonates, â€Å"I’m in a different sport†. However, the group that skips makes up a small portion of the ratio, a second group of people go to nearly every one, and I’m in the second group. Then comes summer, a time of sleeping in, and ease for some. However, for the football team summer’s a time of hard work, time to get involved in everything about football. Workouts start at six-fifteen in the morning, and get ready for the torture that will soon ensue. Three stations make up the morning: lifting, agility, and hallway which all come before the sprinting session. Few rules come into place here, the main one: to stay enthusiastic throughout, this becomes a necessity otherwise the younger kids will see older kids slacking, and think that’s how all people do the workout, and th en lose enthusiasm. However, workouts don’t end there after the full workout the freshmen wait at the stadium for the start of the run which involves a variety of options: one hundred yard sprints, hills. Once again keeping up the enthusiasm becomes a necessity. That’s all just the summer and spring, the season doesn’t even start for another couple months. Multi-tasking becomes a nifty skill, because members of the football team need to juggle a variety of tasks: school, home, football, church, work. Don’t even think about slacking on one of the areas otherwise the shortcomings will mush together way into another area. There’s school; people find ways to get help, come in early, stay later, but nothing can get in the way of football. Then there’s home time to, eat, do chores, and then try to do the work that teachers didn’t feel necessary for school, now this problem belongs in the much deserved spare time. Then football the major on e, where the last seven months of everyone’s life went. All the teachers say how football comes before the rest of the sports, and how football sets the tone for the rest of the year. All the coaches say how people will lead by example in short â€Å"do what’s right†, and how everyone needs to bust their butts on the field. However after all Friday night under the lights become something to cherish.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The representation of women through poetry Essay Example For Students

The representation of women through poetry Essay Texts often represent women as victims In a patriarchal society. How are women represented in two of the poems set for study? During the late 20th Century women remained constrained by gender ideals which they were expected to conform to; subservience, piety and beauty. This domineering state of Inferiority experienced by these women is expressed and challenged by both Mary Elizabeth Coleridge and Amy Lowell through their exploration of the visitation of women in a patriarchal society.. The underlying desire for freedom, which the poets Coleridge and Lowell illustrate in their respective poems The Other Side of the Mirror and Patterns, brings awareness to the repressive and harsh environment women have previously been brought up In. The ideal of femininity, imposed by the patriarchy, particularly highlights the Importance of the physical beauty of women. To men, women have been Identified as a prized possession, acknowledged merely for their physical attributes, suggesting the demonstration of women and how their female experiences become trivial. We will write a custom essay on The representation of women through poetry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Coleridge The Other Side of the Mirror, exemplifies this In a face bereft of vileness which stresses the essential aspect of beauty through the positive connotations of loveliness. This same face is then suggested as one that no man on earth could guess, further emphasizing how, without beauty, women are discarded from the thoughts of men. Similarly, Lowell highlights the importance and expectations of feminine beauty through the representation of the fine brocaded gown which places both a physical and symbolic restriction on the persona In Patterns. The movement of the natural environment, blowing and flutter in the Reese, Juxtaposes with the constraint of the stiff brocaded gown which depicts the Idealized hourglass physique of a woman, despite the apparent difficulty In breathing and inability to walk comfortably. The use of the plosive sound k in brocaded further creates an uneasy feeling of jerky stops and starts, which is likewise accentuated by the action of tripping. Adding to the depth of harsh feeling. This discomfort stems from the suppression of women in the Victorian age, symbolized through the predictable nature of patterns. Like the rigid construction ND entrapment of patterns. Coleridge structures her poem using a strong rhyming scheme of to enforce the idea of unavoidable confinement. For the two persona (from each text), they are expected by the patriarchal society to oblige to these patterns, however the poems reveal that women yearn to break free from the acceptable public face which they project to the world. The Inability for the female characters to express their true self has required them to maintain a private face, and thus leading to inner turmoil. Coleridge explores the seductive effect on emotions which suppression instigates in women. The persona In The Other Side of the Mirror is established as someone who Is troubled and severely depressed through the alliteration of wild Womanly despair, emphasizing the vile consequences of living a false and restrictive life. Unfortunately women must and in secret bled which creates a whispering tone and conveys a lack of expression. The Other Side of the Mirror can be interpreted through a Christian reading where the private mayhem of the persona, and ultimately for all women governed by the tetrarch, is represented by the excruciating experience of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion. The religious allusion of the thorny aureole depicts an image of a thorny halo, much like the crown of thorns Jesus wore, which shows how women were victimized in the society which they lived in. The womans reflection is paralleled to a messiah figure, suffering from injuries caused by men in power, and the crown of thorns represents the dominance and authoritative nature of men. The consequence of the male expectation causes the persona suppressed inward anger and feelings urn outward and take away her loveliness, consuming her whole being. .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d , .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .postImageUrl , .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d , .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d:hover , .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d:visited , .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d:active { border:0!important; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d:active , .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u656942b8da19e5cae27fae533668bd9d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Theory Analysis Dead Poets Society EssayThe inner turmoil of the persona in Patterns is represented by a war. Wars too are conceptualized as patterns through its cyclical nature in which men adamantly partake it. The word war generates negative connotations of death, raw pain and bloodiness which create a dark and ominous undertone to the poem, and additionally highlighting the silent battle for freedom. The statement of weep reveals a characteristic of women as an emotional being and highlights the emotional effect of visitation. However Coleridge and Lowell no longer want to maintain the oppression of women and express their intentions of uncovering the private face, evident in the change of viewpoint in both texts. The fourth stanza of The Other Side of the Mirror takes a slightly different stance than the previous stanzas. Whereas the previous are concerned with the womans injuries and her feelings of woe, this stanza starts with the description of her eyes as lurid which suggests an air of violence and power, prompted by her dying Hopes. The kinetic imagery of the leaping fire further enhances the anger and depth of her feelings. Losers Patterns, on the other hand, reveals how the persona has taken on a more dominant role apparent in the use of anaphoras of l would and l should which encompasses an almost imperative quality. Just like the final line Christ! What are patterns for? questions the occurrence of patterns in a distressed and irritated tone Coleridge too uses an exclamatory tone in O set the crystal surface free! which is suggestive of the urgency to let the true self emerge.